The German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein – DAV) comprises 252 local bar associations and more than 61,000 individual lawyers. It represents the interests of the German legal profession at the national, European and international level. I am honoured to have been appointed to its Civil Litigation Committee (Zivilverfahrensausschuss).
Tag: and Dispute Resolution Germany
Those of you who read German may already be aware of, Benedikt Windau’s blog on civil procedure. Last year, Benedikt kindly invited me to become a regular contributor to, with a focus on arbitration and international civil procedure. It’s really been fun working with Benedikt over the last year, from discussing the delights of blogging to sharing ideas and co-authoring for FAZ. Going forward, I will be publishing English-language versions or summaries of posts with an arbitration or international angle over here as well.
Photo: Publication of “Civilprozessordnung” in the German Reich’s Federal Gazette, 18 February 1877, Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt 1877 006 083, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons.